Preparation Through Repentance

When John used the image from Isaiah about preparing the way for the Lord, Luke says he was preaching the baptism of repentance. What he was telling people was that they needed to change the direction of their lives. In order to do that, first they must recognize that what they are doing is wrong. Then they must see the way to a new direction. Then they must do it.

So the people asked John, what must we do? And he said, “Whoever has two coats must share one with someone who has none. And likewise he who has food.” He continued on to say that tax collectors and soldiers must not abuse their power.

There is no mystery to our response. Other than the mystery of Jesus’ coming, our response is in the direction of our lives. Deciding whom we will follow. And what we will do.

This advent given the economy we’ve experienced and the huge number of people doing without, it seems a perfect time to practice John’s advice. Choose to give from your plenty to someone in need.

Or, if you are in need, let a Christ-follower know so that we who have the blessings of material things may know where to share.

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